Life is Better Together


Can't make it out this weekend, no worries you can view our latest live stream from here. Previous messages are also available on-demand on our YouTube channel.

We believe it is vital to experience Jesus in community, so that’s why we gather each weekend to celebrate. Our Saturday experience is designed with one idea in mind–to draw you closer to God. Whether through music, story, video or other media, teaching, or response time, we strive to create space for life-changing encounters.  Plan a visit...

The Journey is a great first step if you are looking to learn more about ARISE, and how to get connected! We’d love to meet you, and our pastors are excited to share with you a little more about who we are, and how you can be a part! Get to know ARISE, sign-up for The Journey

Life is meant to be lived in community, not alone. Through Life Groups, you have the opportunity to extend your experience and connect with others (in a group of 8-10 people) experiencing life together, growing in authentic relationship with each other and God. Impacting the world with the love of Jesus.  More info...

God has called us to serve those in need. ARISE Outreach Ministries is committed to doing ministry the way Jesus did, and having the greatest Kingdom impact possible. We aim to mobilize the Whole church, with the power of the Whole gospel and change the Whole world. With an understanding of true poverty, we facilitate life change through relationship-based ministry with a strategic focus on servant leadership.

At ARISE it is our mission to inspire people to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the next generation. It is one of our values that every believer is a minister with a ministry. For these reasons we believe serving is a vital part of the discipleship journey. It’s our goal that when you serve, you know the significant impact you make, you’ve built friendships on your team, and you have fun! We encourage you to take the first step in expressing your interest in serving in one of our ministries. We are committed to you serving where you feel excited and called, so there’s no harm in checking out a few ministries before you find the right fit. More info...

 Reach the next generation, leading them to experience Jesus so powerfully they become disciple makers.

Jesus and His Word · Acceptance · Innovation · Service ·
Reaching The Next Generation · Making Disciple Makers