Discover God's Love

The Bible is God's communication device. Our promise is to help you understand the the word of God and find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. If you would like to experience this kind of relationship with Jesus and learn more about His plans for you, we have selected a variety of Bible studies to get you started right away.

Love Reality

In Jesus Christ, by faith, we are free from sin. This series explores what that means.

Discover Bible Guides

These Bible study guides are simple, easy to use, and answer some of life’s challenging questions, such as: Why does God permit suffering and dying? What is the secret to a happy life? Is there hope for our chaotic world?

It Is Written Bible Study Guides

Can God be trusted? And can the Bible be trusted? If a person has no firsthand knowledge of God, how can God earn that person’s trust? God demonstrates that the Bible is worthy of complete confidence by showing that it is historically true and accurate. 


One of the most self-evident realities about love is that it requires communication in order to exist and flourish. The Bible is God’s communication device.

A Picture of God

A Picture of God

How do I choose a religion? Is there a God? How did evil begin? How will everything end? These are big questions that need big answers. A picture of God is a narrative series of studies that answer these questions while journeying through the great controversy metanarrative. 

Find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. 

Why do we need Jesus?

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14


Have you ever wanted to know the truth about something? Like...

> what will it be like when Jesus comes again?
> what will heaven be like?
> does God really want to spend time with me?

These Bible guides will help you find answers to your questions. 


Hey Kids! Having trouble...

> at school?
> making friends & fitting in?
> with your parents' divorce?

Get answers here!

These downloadable eBooklets are written just for you.

Discovery Mountain

Discover a new kid's audio drama where listeners experience adventure, mystery, campfire songs and, most importantly, get to know Jesus.

ARISE Seventh-day Adventist Church